Thursday, October 11, 2012

Month's Mind

Well done good and faithful servant!
I can't believe it is a month since, our beloved uncle, Fr. Bob Reed passed away.  Well here is a story to share. It is taken from The Poster the Cursillo Newsletter where some of the groups members shared some of their memories, they published a special edition in memory of Fr. Bob.  Here is a classic story.

Father's dry sense of humor....
    Many years ago, Father Reed was behind me in a registration line for a workshop sponsored by our diocesan financial office.  He was in exceptionally good humor that day.
    I have to smile when I remember him saying, "All of my priesthood, I've been trying to care for the sheep; today, I'm going to learn how to  fleece them." Can't you hear him say that line and picture the smile on his face?  -- Mary Ann Hammer

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